October 21, 2016
Updated August 19, 2024.
All shareholders – whether in a startup, a small or large business or a family-owned business – can benefit from a unanimous shareholders’ agreement. A unanimous shareholders’ agreement (a.k.a. a “USA”) is a written agreement among all (not just some) of the company’s shareholders. It defines the relationship, rights and obligations among the shareholders themselves and between the shareholders and the company and documents their agreement on matters related to the company’s management and operation, financing, organization and the transfer of shares – and addresses potentially contentious issues before problems arise. Without one, the relationship is governed by the applicable corporate legislation (provincial or federal), but that legislation doesn’t necessarily address everything the shareholders might want to govern their relationship or do so in the way they would choose. The best bet: take control and negotiate a unanimous shareholders’ agreement. Here are the key practical considerations and terms of unanimous shareholders’ agreements to consider.
3 Key Practical Considerations
Here are three key practical considerations about unanimous shareholders’ agreements to keep in mind.
Timing. Particularly for new companies, deciding when to spend the money to put a USA in place isn’t always easy. However, if a USA isn’t put in place at an early stage there’s an increased risk of disagreements or deadlocks among initial shareholders with no clear mechanism to efficiently resolve them. Also, professional investors will likely want to see a USA in place before they consider financing the company. If you’re a shareholder in an existing business that doesn’t have a USA, all isn’t lost. Shareholders can enter into a USA at any time, and while the process for putting a USA in place for a mature company might be more complicated because there are likely more stakeholders involved, the benefits of doing so are substantial. And remember: a USA should be a living document. As the business and its shareholders evolve and change over time, so does the shareholders’ agreement to ensure it continues to reflect the needs of both the company and the shareholders. So, plan to review and, as appropriate, revise the shareholders’ agreement both regularly and when significant business changes occur.
Minority Shareholder Rights. Canadian corporate law is designed to protect minority shareholders. Accordingly, just because a shareholder owns more than 50% of the company doesn’t mean they can make decisions that disregard minority shareholders’ interests. However, a properly crafted USA will contain provisions that clearly delineate the rights of minority shareholders so company decision-making isn’t unduly affected by minority rights.
Independent Legal Advice. Shareholders’ agreements have long-term ramifications. Each shareholder should have a complete understanding of the terms of the agreement and the company should therefore afford each an opportunity to obtain independent legal advice. Failing to give shareholders the time and space to seek their own legal advice can put the integrity of the USA at risk.
7 Key Shareholders’ Agreement Terms
Here are seven key unanimous shareholders’ agreement terms to consider including in your USA.
1. Management & Operations
Address the key aspects of the company’s management and operations.
2. Pre-Emptive Rights
Pre-emptive rights allow each existing shareholder to avoid dilution of their ownership stake in the company. If a company decides to issue new shares, a pre-emptive right allows the existing shareholders (or those that hold a minimum portion of them) to buy those newly issued shares before anyone else does. Importantly, the price offered to the existing shareholders can’t exceed the price for which the company offers the shares on the open market. If the company wants to lower its price, it must first offer the shares to the existing shareholders and the process starts over again. The shareholders’ agreement also typically sets out the procedure to use a pre-emptive right.
3. Rights of First Refusal
Rights of first refusal provisions (ROFRs) protect shareholders – but can deter third party purchasers because the process can be complicated. Generally, a ROFR requires a shareholder that receives an offer from a third-party purchaser to give notice of the offer to the other shareholders. The other shareholders then have the right to match the third party offer within a certain time. If none do, the shareholder who received the third-party offer can sell their shares to the third party. There are two variations of an ROFR.
A right of first refusal can include special rights for majority and/or minority shareholders when a third party wants to enter the mix.
4. Put / Call Provisions
The agreement can permit the company to compel shareholders to sell shares back to the company (a “call”) and can permit shareholders to compel the company to buy shares (a “put”), usually in specified “triggering” circumstances. Common triggering circumstances include breach of the shareholders’ agreement, cessation of employment, voluntary retirement and marriage breakdown.
5. Shotguns
A shotgun clause is intended to break a deadlock between shareholders. It can be an effective means of resolving shareholder disputes – but can be a dangerous game since an unfair price can open the process to abuse by affluent shareholders. There are both single shareholder shotguns and multiple shareholder shotguns.
6. Share Valuation
The agreement can address share valuation. This can help avoid valuation disputes among shareholders, particularly important in a private company setting where there is no public market that establishes the company’s value. A valuation clause provides that shareholders are required to periodically (e.g. annually or bi-annually) determine the value of shares and sets out how the valuation will be made. There are two main approaches to valuation.
7. Additional Terms
Shareholder agreements typically also include additional provisions that address other key aspects of the business, including:
Please contact your McInnes Cooper lawyer or any member of our Corporate and Business Law Team @ McInnes Cooper to discuss negotiating and drafting a unanimous shareholders’ agreement that’s right for you.
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