McInnes Cooper is grateful for the contributions of Canada’s Military RCMP members and their families. And, we are proud that we have been able to put our gratitude into action by representing disabled Military Veterans and RCMP Members in class action lawsuits to ensure they receive the full financial compensation to which they are entitled.
We continue to put our gratitude into action by proudly supporting Lest We Forget ~ N’oublionsjamais 2015. Held in Moncton, this event promotes remembrance, and offers New Brunswickers the opportunity to learn about our proud military history and the contribution made to Canada by men and women from our communities. The event on November 10th and 11th consists of historic displays, a large collection of modern and heritage military vehicles and the fundraising Tribute Dinner. Canada’s Ambassador to Ireland and former Sergeant-‐at-‐Arms, Kevin Vickers, a New Brunswicker whose career exemplifies service to country, is the keynote speaker for the Tribute Dinner. Lest We Forget – N’oublions jamais has been designated an official “Yellow Ribbon” Support the Troops event by the Canadian Armed Forces Morale ü Welfare Services.
Atlantic Maple Leaf is dedicated to raising awareness of the contribution and sacrifice of our men in women in uniform, and has served as a catalyst for communities in raising almost
$ 2 million for military wounded and their families from generous sponsors and donors in Atlantic Canada.