McInnes Cooper is saddened to share the news of the passing of long time McInnes Cooper lawyer and former partner Richard “Dick” Rafuse, KC.
Dick, a longtime Kitz Matheson, Patterson Palmer, and ultimately McInnes Cooper partner, passed away on St. Patrick’s Day, after a lengthy illness. He was a talented, colourful, well liked, and admired business and insolvency counsel for 50 years. He attracted many large institutional clients to McInnes Cooper, who remain with the firm today. His business counsel was sought and relied on as much as his legal advice.
A team player, Dick spread his work around and mentored numerous young lawyers. For many years he was a mainstay on the Kitz Matheson, Patterson Palmer, and later McInnes Cooper Management Committee. He was a popular member of the firm and an important contributor to the community at large.
Dick enjoyed his life. One of his passions was sailing. He was a longtime member of the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron (RNSYS) and he was Commodore of the squadron in the mid 80s, during a time of great expansion. Throughout, he was a driving force in fundraising for various projects and events, including Junior and Paralympic sailing, and various Marblehead races. In recognition of his contributions, he was honored as a life member of RNSYS this past January.
McInnes Cooper extends condolences to his wife, Wendy Johnston, former McInnes Cooper partner, his children Lori and Jamie, and his granddaughters Gabrielle and Genevieve.