McInnes Cooper offers a unique level of expertise in, and perspective on, the mining sector within Atlantic Canada and beyond.
We have or continue to act for prospectors, developers and operators, with interests in coal, precious and base metals and industrial minerals, including:
Our client base includes international mining conglomerates, junior mining companies, entrepreneurs, banks and investment banking firms, and governments with respect to legal issues in the mining sector. We cover mining at every point in the life cycle of a development and have represented clients with mining projects in North and Central America, Africa and Asia. We have extensive experience in corporate finance matters covering a range from the most junior to the largest of mining companies, including:
In addition, we have experience with rights issues; project development including aboriginal, environmental, construction, or joint venture matters; and royalty, tax, and other financial concerns. We have an unequaled expertise with respect to labour relations matters for developing or operational mines, and we have extensive experience working with owners and operators preparing for end of mine life issues.
McInnes Cooper lawyers have been recognized by Lexpert 2013 and Best Lawyers 2013 as leading practitioners in the mining area.
Please click here to view our Mining brochure.
Provided strategic advice to a mining company for a human rights complaint settlement.
Oct 24, 2024
McInnes Cooper is proud to be included by The Globe and Mail as one of Canada’s Best Law Firms 2025.
Nov 1, 2023
On October 13, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its judicial reference opinion: a significant portion of Canada’s federal…
Oct 16, 2018
McInnes Cooper is pleased to announce the addition of Partner Michael Simms (Halifax) as a member of our firm's Board of Directors, effective…
Aug 25, 2017
McInnes Cooper is proud to sponsor the World Ocean Council’s Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2017, taking place in Halifax from November 29 to…
Feb 4, 2016
McInnes Cooper lawyers Wylie Spicer and Sara Mahaney are among the team members conducting a large analysis of the first periodic review of the…
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